Science and Maths careers

You can narrow the jobs in your search by selecting the sentence that best describes your interests & personality.

Weather Control Engineer

Weather Control Engineer

Water Management Specialist

Water Management Specialist

Integrated Ecology Restoration Worker

Integrated Ecology Restoration Worker

Flood Control Engineer

Flood Control Engineer

Community Farm Finance Broker

Community Farm Finance Broker

AI Intellectual Property Negotiator

AI Intellectual Property Negotiator

Digital Memorialist and Archivist

Digital Memorialist and Archivist

Cyborg Psychologist

Cyborg Psychologist

New Materials Engineer

New Materials Engineer

Energy and Data Systems Installer

Energy and Data Systems Installer

Biomimicry Innovator

Biomimicry Innovator

Automation Anomaly Analyst

Automation Anomaly Analyst

Urban Technologist

Ethical Hacker


System Analyst


Threat Analyst

Solution Architect

Cybernetic Engineer