Are you a problem solver? Someone who thinks broadly and widely to find solutions to make things simpler and easier for others. Businesses need skilled employees who think outside the box to meet businesses expectations. To do this, businesses require tech smart problem solvers. People who are on the ball and understand how to use computer software and technology to support businesses. How do you think you could use technology to solve problems?

A System Analyst solves technological problems for businesses. A System Analyst streamlines and simplifies computer systems to meet business’s needs. They are fluent in how computer software and IT (information technology) works and how they can change computer systems to help businesses. A System Analyst also develops user guides and runs training sessions. A System Analyst provides reports and recommendations.

A System Analyst has a creative and systematic mind. They are logical and solve problems. They are creative in how they solve those problems. A System Analyst understands how to meet business and client needs.

To become a System Analyst, you require a bachelor degree in computer science.

Career Pathways and Study Options

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